Book cover for Somebody Should Have Told Us by Jack PranksyWhat if…peace of mind,
beautiful feelings,
little or no stress,
wonderful, healthy relationships,
greater effectiveness,
were right at your fingertips,
and you held the key
but didn’t realize it
or didn’t know how to use it?

That’s what Somebody Should Have Told Us! tells us.

(Somebody Should Have Told Us - $13.00)
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Here are ten simple, but profound truths for living well that, once grasped or truly realized, can transform your life.

Bringing his trademark knowledge of principles for living, Dr. Jack Pransky’s latest literary work has the ability to change the lives of those who understand the simple, yet powerful, wisdom stored in this book. If what you seek is a better, more joyous way of being, what is contained in these pages can indeed transform your life.

This book contains no advice. It offers no skills, nor any techniques. Initially, to some this may be disconcerting, but advice, skills and technique all reside in the outside world. This book contains something far more valuable. True change happens only from within, from one’s own insight. It is far more comforting to realize there really is nothing to do because we already have everything we are looking for inside us, and it is always available to us no matter what difficult life situations we encounter–if we know how to access it. This book points people in the direction of true self help.

(Somebody Should Have Told Us - $13.00)
For delivery outside the US please contact Jack before ordering.
Shipping to US only. $3.00 will be added at checkout for shipping & handling.

Some endorsements from readers:

This book is worth more than a million self-help books. It…can save a person (and those who know us) from hours of therapy later in life. Jack Pransky gets at the very essence of what drives our happiness…I am witness to the wisdom released through this…approach.
~ CS, St. Johnsbury, VT

I’ve been around this understanding for nearly 10 years and it has been helpful personally and professionally; but since working with Jack, my understanding has deepened significantly. Jack’s warmth, understanding, deep-seeing, and unwavering faith in my own innate health and wisdom has helped me to really see the principles of Mind, Consciousness, and Thought creating my moment-to-moment experience. Most importantly, he lives what he teaches.
~ VF, Springfield, IL

You know, the only one who helped my thinking shift from a heap of habits to something that is a lot healthier, less habitual and more in tune with who I am is you, and you are on the other side of the world! You pointed me in a different direction, you stayed pretty consistent in not colluding with my habits and you stayed firm in the truth of wisdom within. Everyone needs this.
~ GM, Western Australia

Through his gifted way of communicating, Jack helps people tap into their own wisdom, even if you think you don’t have any. If what you seek is a better, more joyous way of being, the principles for living you will find within…will change your life. Just as Jack Pransky has helped me tap the truth within myself, you too will see how to transform your life. I now have a different realization about myself, my relationships, and my work. Instead of carrying around sadness and hopelessness, I now know that every moment holds the possibility for joy…. if I so choose.
~ PF, Montpelier, VT

By accessing my own health and wisdom I experienced true inner healing. I was then able to (begin to) move forward with my life in peace and joy, with confidence, and with a strength and knowing that was never before present in my life…Through deep listening and accessing his own health and wisdom, Jack is able to cut to the heart of a matter and assist others in the process of healing and self-discovery through the realization of their own inner health and wisdom.
~ SB, Norwich, VT

Jack has a way with words that go beyond my intellectual mind and straight into my heart. This feeling comes through in talking and listening with Jack, and in reading his books. It is a refreshing breath that reconnects me to my core…a universal knowing. Life’s questions (the BIG ones) do not phase me anymore-for I know these answers already exist within us all.
~ AK, Waterbury, VT

(Somebody Should Have Told Us - $13.00)
For delivery outside the US please contact Jack before ordering.
Shipping to US only. $3.00 will be added at checkout for shipping & handling.

Slightly new edition with new publisher (2011). CCB Publishing, British Columbia, Canada.
Softcover. 6″x 9″. 157 pages. ISBN # 078-1-926918-26-6.