The Center for Inside-Out Understanding is no longer filling book orders. If you would like to order any of Jack’s books, please order through your local bookstore or or order directly through the publisher.

For the following books, CCB Publishing go to to purchase:

Somebody Should Have Told Us!

Seduced by Consciousness

Modello: A Story of Hope for the Inner-City and Beyond

Hope for All

Parenting from the Heart

Paradigm Shift

For the following books click on the title to purchase.

The children’s picture book, What Is Wisdom? (and Where Do I Find It?)

The children’s picture book, What is a Thought? (A Thought is A Lot)
Think Social Publishing

For Jack’s Prevention Books, AuthorHouse

Prevention from the Inside-Out [3P-based] (Note: The interviews in this book (about 33-40% of it) are included in Hope for All (above). 

Prevention: The Critical Need [non 3P-based]


Welcome to the Center for Inside-Out Understanding

The Best-Kept Secret in Well-Being

Jack_Pransky - 1The best-kept secret is called ‘The Three Principles’ (formerly ‘Health Realization’)

What is “The Three Principles”?

An understanding of three spiritual facts that, together, create our human experience, moment to moment.

By gaining a deep understanding of how these three spiritual facts of Universal Mind, Consciousness and Thought work within all of us to create either well-being or its opposite, people naturally tend to live at higher levels of consciousness.

When people come to understand The Three Principles they discover naturally:

  • a way to tap the human spirit to create constructive change
  • a way to bring out the best in people
  • a way for us to realize the natural mental health that is our birthright, and how we keep ourselves from seeing it
  • a way to move people to well-being and away from problems
  • a way to draw out internal resilience
  • a way to prevent community problems from the inside-out