Are you ready for prevention’s missing link?
Until now we haven’t known what really creates change in people. Here is a book that truly advances the field of prevention from the author of Prevention: The Critical Need, one of the first books to help define the parameters of the field and identify what works for practitioners.
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Prevention from the Inside-Out offers a paradigm shift for the fields of prevention, human services, community work, social work, human resources and education. It shows how the traditional outside-in approach has only brought us so far.
- Learn what it means to turn prevention inside-out, to get to the essence of preventing all problem behaviors.
- Learn how people can create a shift within their consciousness and realize their innate Health.
- Learn how people and communities can live in well-being and with reduced stress.
- Read interviews with people whose lives have changed dramatically.
- Discover how people can be guided by their wisdom and spirit.
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Read excerpts from Prevention from the Inside-Out by Jack Pransky here.
Here is what people are saying about Prevention from the Inside-Out:
Every now and then a single book precipitates a revolution in human understanding and practice… Examples that come to mind are Sir Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum…; Thomas Paine’s Common Sense…; and Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions…. Whether Jack Pransky’s latest book on prevention… turns out to have an equally revolutionary effect on the mental health field remains to be seen. I have no doubt, however, that it should. At the very least, it deserves the thoughtful attention of mental health practitioners and those who set priorities and shape the field’s future.
– Donald C. Klein, Ph.D., co-author, Primary Prevention: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
This book is worth more than the thousands of dollars I have spent on personal development over the years. You’ve got no idea the impact your book is having on me…deep insights into my thinking…Every person’s story is resonating with me… It really is a privilege to read, …a gift from heaven.
– Georgina Mavor, Psychologist, Perth, Australia
At the very core of Jack Pransky’s preventive approach is… “If people’s thinking does not change, their feelings and behavior will not change.“… Suddenly, the reason for the failure of many federally supported, social programs becomes clear: they were externally focused, never dealing with the flawed thinking of those they were designed to help. Pransky combines an insightful analysis with many real life examples to show us the way to a new paradigm for healthy living–from the inside-out. – Robert M. D’Alessandri, Dean, West Virginia University School of Medicine
I can’t begin to describe how much I really needed to hear about the Health Realization concept! I’ve been working in prevention for 8 years now, and I have always felt in my heart… that we as a prevention field were missing something, and now I know…We need to get this out to other preventionists…very soon! …The insights that I have been having are absolutely incredible! I’ve already noticed changes within myself…Thank you! Thank you!
– Candy Mayer, Prevention Specialist, Ohio
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