Euro4: Waking up to that
November 9, Wednesday.
I woke up in the morning after a good night’s sleep to learn that the impossible happened. Trump won! I voted early by absentee ballot, against him. I never want to talk politics in my blog, but I can’t help myself in this case. I am absolutely ill. I’m stunned. It took me an hour to even be able to function. I feel like staying in Spain. I’m embarrassed for my country. I sincerely hope this doesn’t lead to WW III or turn the entire world against us. And OMG, the Supreme Court appointments we are going to be stuck with; I am ill!
I guess America is getting what it deserves. It’s the Democrat’s own fault. First they didn’t select Bernie Sanders to run against Trump, while all the polls showed he would have beaten Trump, then Hillary Clinton ran a horrible campaign; she got smug—which she has a tendency to do—the two times she got way ahead in the polls. Of course, nobody really knows what President Trump (OMG!) is going to do because you can’t trust a word he says, so I guess that means there’s still hope. Is this just my own thinking, or is this real? OMG.
I had to do my best to put that aside. I had a good night’s sleep, until waking up to that. We drove into the city for breakfast, and had the best conversation of all the great conversations we’ve had. This one helped me enormously to sort out what I have to change in the four saga chapters of my book. Then Amanda drove me to the bus, and that was that for an enormously wonderful three days. Thank you, Amanda Gachot!
Very long (6 hour) bus ride. I got a lot of much-needed writing done. Sheela picked me up at the bus station in Benidorm and took me to what has become my second home, the Hotel Rober Palas in Albir. I was hoping I wouldn’t see anyone tonight so I could decompress, but Holly, Sally and Lise showed up at dinner and I was so happy to see all three of them.
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