European Tour – Saturday Parenting from the Heart
May 13, Saturday.
This was a good day, and I feel very lighthearted right now. This morning I had time to myself so I caught up on a few things, then I took a walk around a tennis club right behind the hotel. Then I met Monica and Simona to set up the training room, went and had lunch at Monica’s house (her husband cooked rice), and then it was time to begin the training, which is essentially on parenting and teaching from the heart.
This first afternoon I primarily had to help them understand the Three Principles and use parenting examples. But at the end of the day I also read a chapter to them from my brand-new book, Seduced by Consciousness, because I have a chapter in there that relates to parenting and ego. This was an experiment because I don’t think I’ve ever read a chapter of my book in a training before. I think it worked okay because I think it’s a great chapter, but it was probably little cumbersome because of the translation. Graziana did a great job translating for me today. Some people seemed to get out a lot out of the training so far, but so it felt good.
And then Monica, Simona, and Graziana all went out for some pizza, which was a lot better than the first pizza I had here. The real nice thing is I got back early because tomorrow is the rest of an all-day training.
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