U.K. Innate Health/Three Principles Conference A Great Success
Jack just returned from the Tikun-sponsored Innate Health/Three Principles Conference in London. I just loved it! The feeling was great. The presentations were great. Seeing all those people together who have been responsible for the promulgation of three principles understanding over the years since the beginning and all those new people from the U.K. who have been working to promulgate the understanding now and will far into the future just warmed my heart. And I am very happy to report that my panel on changing lives with Cynthia Stennis from Modello and Jerry Williams from Coliseum Gardens and Chana Rosenblatt from Tikun went over wonderfully. On stage I thanked Cynthia personally for changing my life–as she and Elaine Burns were the first two people I ever heard speak about the effect this understanding had on their lives and the results were so powerful I got hooked with hope right on the spot–and I didn’t mean to make her cry but I apparently did. Then she got up and hugged me. It was a very touching moment. I almost lost it myself. And then the next day I ran a breakout session on inside-out prevention, that also went very well; in fact, out of it a few of us decided to get together to apply for a grant to promote an international exchange of people doing prevention with this understanding. Stay tuned for more about this. Meanwhile, since I got home late last night, I’m kind of amazed I even had the fortitude to write this…
U.K. Innate Health/Three Principles Conference A Great Success — No Comments