Center for Inside-Out UnderstandingPosted on by Jack
Okay, everyone, it’s time to see less reality and more illusion! Of course, looking out from the level of consciousness we’re on, it’s going to look like reality and therefore any thoughts we get at that level are either what we’re living with or fighting against. But it’s like looking down a long wrapping paper tube; what we see at the end is all we can see. That’s the illusion! But there are always more tubes stacked both above and below where we are now, from which we can see out of, and we’re making them all up. If we’re making it up anyway, why not make up the ones that help us to feel more well-being, peace of mind, love, less stress. Or better, if we just stopped taking our tube-thinking seriously, all those things would be there for us automatically. That’s my Holiday season and New Year’s wishes for all.
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