European Tour #3 – Ups and Downs nearing the end
Day 11. April 22. Friday.
I started this morning with Mick leading the group in Qi Gong, the first time I had ever tried it. I found it intriguing. I’m more inclined to do yoga, given a choice, but I would do this. Then I went for a long walk with the lovely Kay, who had come in from the French Alps to do the second part of EPT4 because she missed the second part of EPT3. We walked down from the lighthouse path to the peaceful spot I had walked to a few days ago, down a reasonably steep path down to the Mediterranean Sea. It was the first time I saw her since we went on the Magical Mystery Tour together in Liverpool. Kay is now engaged and I am very happy for her.
After lunch it was time to start EPT4, the last part of the last time I will ever do an Extended Professional Training (EPT). To do it right, which I insist on, giving individual attention to everyone in the group every month, is just too time-consuming for me to keep up with, despite how valuable it has been for people.
We didn’t have much time today, but we went around the room having people share their stories of their ups and downs in levels of consciousness during the six months we were apart, and we talked about how every up and every down was the result of the Three Principles working perfectly in everyone at every moment; that it was a fallacy to think that one should be up all the time after understanding the Three Principles, but ironically, once people see how every experience of their life is created by their own thinking entering their consciousness, their level of consciousness naturally rises.
Then Dr. Diane McMillen, who is co-leading the session with me, and I had people brainstorm what they wanted to get out of what is really the last day we have together. Then I talked about what to emphasize during the upcoming Sunday presentations, and had them break into their planning groups to plan for it.
After dinner Diane and I had to stay up very late planning what we would do to meet their needs that they had brainstormed earlier.
European Tour #3 – Ups and Downs nearing the end — No Comments