Get Outside and Deepen Inside – A California Retreat
Get Outside and Deepen Inside – A California Retreat After the 3PGC Conference
With Jack Pransky & Margot Smit
Oct 31‐ Nov 2 2016 Santa Ynez, California
As Logistics Coordinator of the 3PGC conferences for two years, Margot heard again and again how much people desired to continue enjoying the feeling of the conference, and wished they had more of an opportunity to share and learn in a more intimate setting and to nurture their clear minds and the fresh ideas that had begun to bubble up.
Meanwhile, over in Europe, Jack Pransky teamed up with Yoga Mark Jones to do a Three Principles “work trek.” The small group would hike through the mountains on the Mediterranean coast of Spain, and anyone who wanted a private, one‐on‐one session could saunter up to Jack on the trail, have their individual session then drop back to hiking in the beautiful surroundings. Because their minds were relaxed by hiking and being outdoors, they experienced an even better chance of having personal insights. People loved it; it worked out extremely well.
In addition, Margot’s specialty is helping people experience nature through the eyes of the Three Principles. So we decided to have a dream come true and combine all three of these into one: the Get Outside and Deepen Inside Retreat.
The goals of the retreat are:
- To continue the beautiful feeling of the conference with an opportunity for you to experience deepened personal grounding through personal one‐on‐one and small group sessions
- For you to land in the feeling in your heart where the mind is working perfectly for experiencing well‐being, and understand how that can continue in day‐to‐day life and work
- To go from sitting indoors at the conference to the great outdoors, observing what nature can teach us about the Three Principles on gentle hikes in the California wilds, along with getting some exercise.
When: 1p.m. Monday October 31 to 4 p.m. Wednesday November 2nd, 2016.
Where: A Mexican‐style hacienda in the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley in Santa Barbara County, 2 hours drive north of the 3PGC conference site.
Group size: 6 – 10 (depending on accommodations)
Experience level (mental and physical): For those who are both new, and old‐timers to the Principles! Walks are gentle, not strenuous, where a moderate level of fitness will make them most enjoyable. There is of course always the option to skip the walk and lounge on the patio and enjoy the mountain views!
Price (Includes the Retreat, 2 nights Lodging, All Meals):
Single room: $245 (first-°©‐come, first served basis, while they last)
Shared room: $195
For Questions and to Register, email Margot at:
Full details in the link below:
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