Jack’s EUROTRIP BLOG, MAY 20, 2018
Sunday, May 20. Darn it, I missed the royal wedding yesterday. Oh well… Yet another beautiful day today. I’m having such a good time, I don’t know if I can stand it. Today Miriam and I took the train into the center of London, and she took me to a beautiful club that she is a member of, the 21 House or 21 Club or something like that, where first we walked through this gorgeous old building from the 1790s. They just don’t have buildings like this in the US. So ornate and intricate and fancy. Flowers lined the winding staircase. Laura came in to meet us, so I could introduce her to Miriam. They got along famously. But mostly we ate, and ate and ate. A barbecue buffet. Really delicious. And we talked as much as we ate. Another wonderful conversation. We were there for about three hours. Then Laura went in one direction, and we got back on the underground and then the train and went back to Miriam’s house, practically vowing that we would never eat again. Until supper, of course. I think I’ve gained about 5 pounds since I came to England. Then I took a luxurious bath and packed to get ready to leave.
Jack’s EUROTRIP BLOG, MAY 20, 2018 — No Comments