Jack’s EUROTRIP BLOG, MAY 25, 2018
Friday, May 25. I apologize for the last couple of days being out of order; I thought I had sent in my Wednesday entry, but it apparently never arrived. In the morning I took a run on the beach—sunrise comes too early here for me to get up in time for it—and while I was running I planned for my upcoming training. After breakfast I met Monica and Carla to go over the room logistics with the hotel staff. Then we decided to spend the bulk of the day visiting Castillo de Gradara, an old castle, apparently where Dante got inspired to write his Divine Comedy. This castle was originally built in the 1100s. That’s old, especially compared to anything in the United States. Much of the work on the castle, however, was done in the 1600s, including a torture room, complete with the tools they used to do the job. Scary. It was real nice being in this castle, with a tiny town built into it, even if it is now a little touristy. We had a long lunch in a beautiful old restaurant, then drove back to the hotel. All I had for dinner was my leftover lunch, which I had taken with me. I thought I was going to have a very quiet evening but instead I spent four hours on Skype calls! After that, I was exhausted. I did manage to squeeze in a straciatella gelato.
Jack’s EUROTRIP BLOG, MAY 25, 2018 — No Comments