Jack’s EUROTRIP BLOG, MAY 27, 2018
Sunday, May 27. Last night I went to sleep only to be awakened by big fireworks. At first I was lying there thinking someone was just shooting off firecrackers, but then it became obvious this was much more than that. So I went out onto my balcony, and sure enough, over the next hotel I was able to watch a very good fireworks display. Of course it was difficult for me to get back to sleep after that but it was a nice surprise. And looking down below at this vibrant night crowd in Rimini, I wondered if these people ever go to sleep. / Well, this was another beautiful training day. It’s a small group, but many people are having big insights. It’s a wonderful thing to see. Again we took a retreat-type break in the afternoon, which allowed me to then go for another 30 minute swim, lie in the sun for a bit, reading, and get back to my hotel room in time to take a shower and get in a little nap. Except the maid was cleaning up my room when I got back. I was on a tight time schedule, so as soon as she was finished in the bathroom, while she was still making up the bed, I just took a shower in the bathroom. By the time I got out, the room was clean and she was gone. This time I had Angela knock on my door to wake me up so I wouldn’t be late to get back to the training. It was another very good session with coaches coaching the people who are just starting to learn a lot about the Principles, and from the feedback they did a good job. I went out to dinner with the group to pizza place and found out I could eat a substitute grain pizza with less gluten and buffalo mozzarella with less dairy, and it was delicious. I didn’t even suffer much afterwards, which was so great! Another really good day! What’s killing me, though, is my Boston Celtics are playing the final game of the Eastern Conference Finals tonight, and the game doesn’t come on here until 2:30 AM, and since I have my last day of training tomorrow, I can’t.
Jack’s EUROTRIP BLOG, MAY 27, 2018 — No Comments