On the road again
November 5, Saturday.
I seem to have made a habit of writing a blog for my European trips, so why stop now? Starting this one is little more complicated because by now I thought I was going to be finished with my new book, Seduced by Consciousness, but I ran into a big snag. I had four key chapters in the book dedicated to my own personal story of being seduced by consciousness, and when I sent it out to a few key people for feedback I got more than I bargained for. While they absolutely loved the rest of the book, they thought these personal autobiographical chapters lost the thread of the Principles. So I had to go back to the drawing board, and sitting with the drawing board has been my home ever since. I’m so close to it the way I wrote it originally it has been hard for me to see beyond that. But my intention is there, because I have concluded that they were right, and now it’s just a question of execution. So I was reluctant to start writing a blog with so much left to do on my book. But I started rewriting on the plane and have made some progress, and the days of my trip started to tick by. So I wanted to get to this blog.
This trip started on the heels of the 3PGC conference in LA, which, as usual, was a wonderful experience. I love being there, soaking up the beautiful energy of all the wonderful people involved in Three Principles understanding. I am very lucky to be part of this movement, because that’s what it is—a movement. I conducted a session there with Rita Shuford for the beginner’s track, and also did a lunch break-out session on research with Tom Kelly, Jacqueline Hollows, and Brooke Wheeldon-Reese.
Then I conducted a small post-conference retreat with Margot Smit at her beautiful inherited home a few hours north of LA. Due to sleeping space we could only take 11 participants, but we all had a beautiful time hiking around the great outdoors while deepening understanding of the Principles and Margot teaching us about the relationship of the Principles to nature. I really loved it, and it seemed the participants did, too.
Then I flew back to Florida, had one day back home to do laundry and repack, then following day took the train to Miami, met my son for lunch, which was very nice, he brought me to the airport, and I flew off on a redeye to Malaga, Spain. I got no sleep on the plane, and did very little sleep for two nights previous, so when I arrived in Malaga on Sunday I was on the ropes. Luckily, as well as writing my book I saw a very interesting movie on the plane: Captain Fantastic, which someone at the retreat had just told me about. Worth seeing, for sure. Strangely enough, it’s a movie about thought and being seduced by it.
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